How I Stopped Wasting Time with Marketing and Figured Out How to Actually Get More Clients
When I first started out in private practice, I was a good therapist who had no idea how to get clients. I was focused on breaking the 6-figure mark. This represented success and freedom to me. I really wanted to a 6-figure practice with a steady stream of new clients. so I wouldn’t have to go back and get an agency job.
I wanted to be able to have financial security in my life and know I could take care of my family.
The thing is I was not getting enough clients calling me. That meant I wasn’t able to have financial security in my life, let alone know I could take care of my family. I was agonizing about what I was doing wrong and why I wasn’t getting clients. Everyone kept telling me I needed to be networking more, so I was doing that. But I was awful at it, and I hated it. It felt so sales-y to me to walk into a room of strangers all trying to get clients from each other. Yuck.
To make things worse, I felt terrible because I had invested all this time getting my degree and opening my practice. Private practice had been my dream for years, but if I couldn’t figure out how to get clients, I was going to have to give up on my dream. I started to feel like I didn’t have what it takes to be successful.
The moment it all changed was when I was sitting in my car outside yet another networking event. I just couldn’t bring myself to go in. I was so anxious. I was dreaded these events, and I decided I just wasn’t going to keep going to them hoping to get referrals. I realized I could NOT build the business of my dreams doing something I dread.
Which meant suddenly the only thing I knew how to do to get clients was no longer an option. Now that I wasn’t going to go to an endless stream of networking events, what was I going to do? I had no idea. But I was resolved to figure it out. If there was a way to build a successful private practice without going to Chamber of Commerce luncheons, then I was determined to find out what it was.
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened…
Facebook had recently launched business pages, and businesses were starting to show up on Facebook. If they could do it, why not me? That’s when I discovered Facebook marketing. What if I could use social media to build my business instead of torturing myself with networking events? I was so excited by this prospect because it fits so well with me as an introvert.
I learned everything I could about marketing on Facebook, and got to work. I figured out how to attract clients directly from Facebook. I saw I could actually build a 6-figure business with marketing strategies that I enjoyed.
I also learned that you never have to be sales-y to build your business, you need to focus on connecting with potential clients and providing great value instead. Social media is the best possible place to do this.
As a result I made posting great content on Facebook my #1 marketing strategy.
After I did that, I started getting people following me and interested in what I was posting.
Suddenly, I was getting new clients directly from Facebook. That’s when I realized that the secret to break the 6-figure mark was creating a system to attract clients on social media.
My plan was to start teaching other therapists and coaches how to do use my system so they could build their businesses too.
So I started teaching everyone I knew how to get clients from social media. But we didn’t stop there. We then created an entire marketing course on how to use Facebook to attract clients. A really good course.
After that, we taught our system to hundreds of therapists and coaches, showing them exactly how to implement our system.
But that didn’t work as well as we hoped. Here’s why… it takes a lot of time to come up with great social media content and post it consistently. I could teach my students what to do, but they still had to do it themselves.
In my business, we spend 2–3 hours each week coming up with content, finding images, and posting. While our system works, our clients just didn’t have the time (or the interest) to spend 2–3 hours each week on Facebook. So even though they knew what to do, they weren’t posting consistently.
We ended up getting so frustrated with people not posting consistently that we decided to create all the content they need and deliver it to them each month.
We chose to call it “Social Content Cure”.
We thought if we could create something that would make it possible to post all your social media content in less than 30 minutes per month, we’d be really happy.
After 3 months spent coming up with just the right mix of monthly content, we created Social Content Cure.
I can now make it simple for anyone to post a month’s worth of social media content in less than 30 minutes.
We then started to let other therapists and coaches use Social Content Cure. We offered a limited pilot, which we sold out in 48 hours. I knew immediately that we were on to something really good.
Within just six months, we’ve built a global following of therapists and coaches using Social Content Cure to simplify their social media content so they post consistently without wasting hours each week coming up with content.
After creating Social Content Cure, I have finally been able to give our members a simple way to consistently post great social media content. I’ve also been able to stop nagging my clients to post on social media, because now we provide them with all the content they need each month..
And in the end, all of this means I’m now able to help my clients get the same great results from social media that I get.
Want to see how we can help you consistently post great social media content? Click here to learn more.