The Cure for Imposter Syndrome

Jennifer Sneeden
4 min readFeb 1, 2022


Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash

Done with my sessions for the day, I checked my voice mail messages and stumbled upon one that terrified me:

Hi, Jennifer. My name is Natalie, and I’m working on a show for [INSERT NAME OF MAJOR REALITY-SHOW NETWORK HERE]. We need a guest expert for a series we’re doing on anxiety, and you were recommended to me.

I stared at my phone in disbelief. I was recommended to a television network? That couldn’t possibly be right. This must be some sort of a joke. But, I did have a friend who had done some work for this network, and listening to the California area code she left me, I thought there may be a hint of truth to her message.

Summoning every ounce of courage I could, I called her back. “Hi, Natalie, this is Jennifer Sneeden returning your call. You left me a message about a show you’re doing on anxiety.”

“Yes, thanks for calling me back. We’re doing a 6-episode series on living with anxiety and how it controls people’s lives. We’re doing a special focus on panic disorders, and you were recommended to me for your work in anxiety. From your website, it looks like you’d be a great fit for the show. Can you tell me a little about your work?”

Natalie and I spoke for a few minutes about my work and credentials. She said, “I’d like to recommend you for the show. Can you send me your bio and some recent pictures?”

After giving me her email address, we hung up.

I left the call in amazement, and immediately did nothing. Yep, not a thing. My pictures and bios were easily accessible on my desktop but I couldn’t get myself to send them.

I’ll email her tomorrow. I don’t want to seem too eager. That only makes sense, right? The next morning bright and early, I was ready to go with another excuse:

I have a busy day of clients, and I want all my focus to be on them. I’ll send it tomorrow when I can take the time to properly craft a great message.

It was excuse after excuse, day after day, even ignoring Natalie’s follow up voice mail, until so much time had passed that it was just too embarrassing to email. I felt a tremendous sense of relief.

I was terrified of being “found out”. I was terrified of going on television for all the world to see, and the “truth” coming out.

What was this horrifying truth that I couldn’t bear to have revealed? I think you probably know exactly it was, because it’s something we all have to face.

I felt like an imposter. Although I had a successful business, I still felt like I was faking it. I certainly didn’t feel like an expert.

Hello, imposter syndrome. I had a full practice. I had made a name for myself treating anxiety. I was good at what I did.

Yet I didn’t believe any of it. The call from Natalie brought it all to the fore.

What causes this dream-killer? It happens when our internal beliefs haven’t fully lined up with what we want. We say we want something, but we don’t feel fully ready for it yet.

But here’s the thing: the opportunity ALWAYS appears before we think we’re ready. The opportunity is exactly the thing that we need to BE ready for that next level.

The thing that we’re resisting, whether it’s going on a television show or raising our fees is exactly what we need to do to grow. The Universe is conspiring on our behalf, laying out the path to the success we desire. The Universe is whispering in our ear, “Come on. I set this up specifically for you. This is going to be so good. Everything you want is on the other side of this thing you are resisting. But you are so ready for it. You’ve got this.”

Even though I’m sure Natalie doesn’t remember me at all, I still see her as a gift. Our experience was one of the greatest lessons in my life. Opportunity is always looking for a way into our lives. Doors are always opening for us.

The cure for imposter syndrome is faith. Standing in absolute faith that everything you need appears when you need it. Faith that you were not led this far only to fail. Faith to finally show yourself what you’re capable of.

If you can’t fully have faith in yourself yet, have faith in the immutable laws of the universe: Opportunities cannot appear in your life until you are ready for them. You can’t attract something in your life unless you are an exact match for it. The law of the universe won’t allow it.

So step into the opportunity. Step into the thing you are avoiding. Step into your resistance. They are beckoning you toward what you want the most.



Jennifer Sneeden
Jennifer Sneeden

Written by Jennifer Sneeden

Therapist and coach sharing thoughts on life, spirituality, and growth.

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