We All Have the Same Seed of Greatness
A few weeks ago, I planted milkweed seeds in two different pots. The same seeds, the same soil, the same watering schedule. Several weeks later, this is what they look like:
A pretty dramatic difference, right?
Because the pots were in slightly different locations, they got different amounts of direct sunlight. That’s the only difference, but it was enough to produce one plant that is lush and thriving and another which is struggling.
These seeds both had the same potential within them. They are both designed to succeed. That’s nature at its most glorious. One tiny milkweed seed that has the potential to nourish generations of monarch butterflies.
But in order to reach its full potential, it has to be planted in the right environment. The right amount of nutrients, of light, and of water. If those elements are off, the plant will struggle to fulfill its purpose.
We’re just the same way, you and I. We were both born with that seed of greatness within us. We were both born with the potential to thrive and bloom and make our marks on the world.
But what happens when we don’t grow up in an environment that is conducive to that success? What happens when we don’t get the love, nurturing, and support we need for that seed to take root and flourish?
We learn to play small, to doubt our potential, to think we aren’t capable. None of that is true of you.
That seed of greatness is still within you. It’s ready to flourish. It’s waiting for the right time.
It’s up to you to create the environment to thrive. Maybe you didn’t get it growing up, but that doesn’t mean its too late now.